<!-- * @Description: 实时坐标点 * @Author: Dragon * @Date: 2020-12-18 10:08:40 * @LastEditTime: 2020-12-18 15:59:29 * @LastEditors: Dragon --> <template> <div id="map"></div> </template> <script> import "ol/ol.css"; import { Map, View, Feature } from "ol"; import { Image as ImageLayer, Vector as VectorLayer } from "ol/layer"; import { ImageStatic, Vector as VectorSource } from "ol/source"; import { getCenter } from "ol/extent"; import { Projection } from "ol/proj"; import { Point } from "ol/geom"; import { Icon, Style, Text, Fill, Stroke } from "ol/style"; // import { websocket } from "./mixins"; import staticMap from "@/assets/map.png"; import img from "@/assets/tx-icon-1.png"; export default { data() { return { map: null, // 地图 imgx: 0, // 当前地图宽 imgy: 0, // 当前地图高 persons: [], // 人员 features: [], feature: null, vectorSource: new VectorSource(), timer: null }; }, // mixins: [websocket], watch: { persons(val) { if (val) { this.setFeature(); } }, }, methods: { // 初始化地图 initMap() { let extent = [0, 0, this.imgx, this.imgy]; let projection = new Projection({ extent: extent }); let $this = this; // 默认地图 let mapLayer = new ImageLayer({ source: new ImageStatic({ url: staticMap, projection: projection, imageExtent: extent }) }) // 绘制点 let featureLayer = new VectorLayer({ source: this.vectorSource, }); this.map = new Map({ target: "map", layers: [ mapLayer, featureLayer ], view: new View({ projection: projection, center: getCenter(extent), zoom: 2, maxZoom: 18 }) }); }, // WebSocket数据接收 // getMessage(message) { // let res = JSON.parse(message.data); // this.persons = res.data; // }, // 点 setFeature() { let that = this; that.features = []; that.vectorSource.clear(); // 先清除 that.persons.map((item) => { that.feature = new Feature({ geometry: new Point([item.x, item.y]), name: item.name, }); // 设置Feature的样式,使用小旗子图标 that.feature.setStyle( new Style({ image: new Icon({ anchor: [0, 1], src: img, }), text: new Text({ // 位置 textAlign: "center", // 基准线 textBaseline: "middle", // 文字样式 font: "normal 20px 微软雅黑", // 文本内容 text: item.name, // 文本填充样式(即文字颜色) fill: new Fill({ color: "#aa3300" }), stroke: new Stroke({ color: "#ffcc33", width: 2 }), }), }) ); that.features.push(that.feature); }); that.vectorSource.addFeatures(that.features); }, }, mounted() { let img = new Image(); img.src = staticMap; let that = this; img.onload = function(res) { that.imgx = res.target.width; that.imgy = res.target.height; that.initMap(); // that.initWebSocket(); }; }, created() { let that = this that.timer = setInterval(function() { that.persons = [ {id: 1, name: "点-1", x: 497.08, y: 187.88, z: 0}, {id: 2, name: "点-2", x: 725.32, y: 565.88, z: 0}, {id: 3, name: "点-3", x: 643.24, y: 503.96, z: 0} ] console.warn(that.persons, 22) },3000) }, beforeDestroy() { clearInterval(this.timer) } }; </script> <style> #map { width: 100%; height: calc(100Vh - 50px); } </style>